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Stanovanje trisobno, Ljubljana, Ljubljana center, Center

  • Oddam
  • 4.000na mesec
  • 123 m²
  • 2023

4.000na mesec

  • Podatki
  • Opis

Podatki o novogradnji

Vrsta in tip
Stanovanje trisobno
Šifra oglasa
123 m²
leto izgradnje

Podatki o lokaciji

Ljubljana center

Na ekskluzivni lokaciji v centru Ljubljane se nahaja kompleks Schellenburg, ki stanovalcem ponuja simfonijo razkošja in udobja. Poleg svoje edinstvene prostorske umeščenosti, se objekt ponaša s svojimi unikatnimi arhitekturnimi elementi in obilico zelenih površin, ki lepo dopolnjujejo njeno moderno zasnovo.

Posebnost in velika prednost bivanja v stanovanjskem kompleksu Schellenburg je tudi dejstvo, da je stanovalcem na voljo 24-urna recepcija, ki skrbi za to da so želje stanovalcev vedno izpolnjene, bivalna izkušnja pa edinstvena in nepozabna.

V najem vam ponujamo lukuzno in prostorno 3-sobno stanovanje, ki se nahaja v četrtem nadstropju in prepriča s svojo smiselno razporeditvjo in funkcionalnostjo. Stanovanje obsega 107,90 m2 notranjih bivalnih površin.

Skozi vhod pridemo v predprostor, od koder lahko na desno vstopimo v utility. Predprostoru sledi ogromen prostor, ki obsega kuhinjo in dnevno sobo, ki ju dopolnjuje balkon. Iz predprostora na levi strani pa se pot po hodniku nadaljuje do spalnice, kopalnice in na koncu večje spalnice z lastno kopalnico.

Poleg zunanjih površin (loža), ki obsega 6,46 m2 stanovanju pripada tudi shramba velikosti 8,65 m2, ki se nahaja v kletni etaži zraven parkirnih prostorov. Stanovanje skupaj z zunanjimi površinami in shrambo obsega 123,01 m2, pripada mu tudi eno parkirno mesto v garaži.

Stanovanje se oddaja delno opremljeno. Ostalo opremo bo najemodajalec zagotovil v skladu z dogovorom in željami najemnika.

Najemnik prevzame v plačilo del dodatnih storitev, tj. sestave najemne pogodbe, kar vključuje naslednja dejanja posrednika: priprava najemne pogodbe, izdelava primopredajnega zapisnika in izvedbo primopredaje nepremičnine, vključno s hranjenjem slikovnega gradiva pri posredniku in sodelovanje pri prenosu naročnin, tako da najemnik pri oglaševani najemnini in trajanju najema plača enkratni znesek za dodatne storitve 4.000 EUR plus 22 % DDV, skupaj 4.880 EUR.

Za več informacij ali ogled nas kontaktirajte na 030 609 100 ali

The Schellenburg complex is located in an exclusive location in the center of Ljubljana, offering residents a symphony of luxury and comfort. In addition to its unique spatial location, the facility boasts of its unique architectural elements and an abundance of green areas that nicely complement its modern design.

A special feature and a great advantage of living in the Schellenburg residential complex is the fact that residents have a 24-hour reception desk , which ensures that the wishes of the residents are always met, and the living experience is unique and unforgettable.

We offer you a luxurious and spacious 3-room apartment for rent, which is located on the fourth floor and impresses with its sensible layout and functionality. The apartment has 107.90 m2 of interior living space.

Through the entrance we reach the vestibule, from where we can enter the utility room to the right. The entrance hall is followed by a huge space that includes a kitchen and a living room, which are complemented by a balcony. From the hall on the left side, the path continues along the corridor to the bedroom, bathroom and finally a larger bedroom with its own bathroom.

In addition to the outdoor area (lodge), which covers 6.46 m2, the apartment also has a storage room of 8.65 m2, which is located in the basement next to the parking spaces. The apartment, together with the external areas and the storage room, covers 123.01 m2 , and it also has one parking space in the garage .

The apartment is rented partially furnished. Other equipment will be provided by the lessor in accordance with the agreement and wishes of the lessee.

The tenant shall pay for part of the additional services, i.e. the drafting of the lease agreement, which includes the following actions by the broker: drafting the lease agreement, drawing up the handover report and carrying out the handover of the property, including the storage of images with the broker, and participation in the transfer of subscription fees, so that the tenant pays a one-off amount for the additional services of EUR 4,000 plus 22% VAT, for a total of EUR 4,880, at the advertised rent and for the duration of the lease.

For more information or to arrange a viewing, please contact us on 00386 30 609 100 or

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