Posredujemo pri oddaji luksuznega 2-sobnega stanovanja v središču Ljubljane, v eminentni poslovno-stanovanjski stavbi Palais Schellenburg. Stanovanje se ponaša s prostornim in svetlim dnevno bivalnim prostorom, orientiranim na jug in zahod.
Luksuzno in prostorno 2-sobno stanovanje prepriča s svojo smiselno razporeditvjo in funkcionalnostjo. Stanovanje obsega 70,18 m2 notranjih bivalnih ter poleg tega 12,79 m2 zunanjih površin (terasa in balkon). Praktična je tudi shramba v kletni etaži v velikosti 8,65 m2. Skupna površina znaša 91,62 m2.
Tehnični podatki o stanovanju:
Prednosti bivanja v Palači Schellenburg:
Skozi vhod vstopimo v predprostor, od koder se levo dostopa do kopalnice in naravnost v dnevno bivalne prostore. Prostoren, osrednji bivalni prostor s kuhinjo, jedilnico in dnevno sobo dopolnjuje še balkon. Funkcionalno opremljena spalnica se odpira na nadkrito teraso (10,70 m2) s priključkom za vodo in elektriko. Parkiranje je urejeno z enim lastniškim parkirnim mestom v garaži.
Najemnik prevzame v plačilo del dodatnih storitev, tj. sestave najemne pogodbe, izdelava primopredajnega zapisnika in izvedbo primopredaje nepremičnine, vključno s hranjenjem slikovnega gradiva pri posredniku, tako da najemnik plača enkratni znesek za dodatne storitve v višini 3.200,00 EUR z DDV.
We are offering a luxury 1-bedroom apartment in the centre of Ljubljana, in the eminent office and residential building named Palais Schellenburg. The apartment boasts a spacious and bright living and dining area, oriented to the south and west.
This luxurious and spacious 1-bedroom apartment impresses with its sensible layout and functionality. The apartment comprises 70.18 m2 of indoor living space and in addition 12.79 m2 of outdoor space (terrace and balcony). There is also a practical storage room in the basement of 8.65 m2. The total surface altogether is 91.62 m2.
Technical details of the apartment:
Benefits of staying at Schellenburg Palace:
Through the entrance you step into halwayl, from where you go left to the bathroom and straight into the living areas. The spacious central living area with kitchen, dining room and living room is complemented by a balcony. The functionally furnished bedroom opens onto a covered terrace (10.70 m2) with water and electricity connection. Parking is arranged with one private parking space in the garage.
The tenant shall pay for part of the additional services, i.e. drawing up the lease agreement, drawing up the handover report and carrying out the handover of the property, including keeping the pictures with the agent, by paying a one-off amount for the additional services of EUR 3.200,00 incl. VAT.